WordPress.org. Wordpress hide links
Скрытие ссылок | WordPress.org
Cкрывает внешние ссылки от индексации поисковыми системами с помощью метода, основанного на использовании jQuery скрипта и маскирования ссылок (подробнее о методе)
- Внешнюю ссылку можно скрыть от индексации поисковыми системами всего лишь в один клик на кнопке визуального редактора
- Автоматически скрывает от индексации все ссылки авторов комментариев.
- Шорткод [link][/link] легко скроет любую ссылку в тексте виджета или комментрия.
- В визуальном редакторе поместите курсор на ссылку
- Нажмите на кнопку Добавить ссылку, чтобы вставить шорткод до и после ссылки. Пример: [link]внешняя ссылка[/link]
После установки и активации плагина, скрытые ссылки ничем не отличаются от обычных на первый взгляд. Этот момент может ввести в заблуждение, что плагин «не срабатывает».
Вы можете проверить корректность работы плагина одним из двух способов.
- Заходим в исходный код страницы (Crtl+U на клавиатуре или правой кнопкой мыши на пустом месте и выбираем пункт *Просмотр кода страницы* или *Просмотр исходного кода*).
- Нажимаем на клавиатуре Ctrl+F и вводим в поиск фразу *data-link* и нажимаем Enter.
- Браузер найдет в исходном коде все совпадения с необходимой фразой (она присутствует в скрытой ссылке). В поле поиска справа от введенной фразы появляется надпись с количеством найденных совпадений (т.е. скрытых ссылок), а рядом — стрелки для перехода к предыдущему и следующему найденному фрагменту.
- Если в найденном фрагменте после фразы data-link указан URL ссылки, которую вы хотели скрыть (или адрес сайта комментатора) — плагин работает корректно и ссылка скрыта.
Пример: <span data-link="http://mylink.com" data-target="_blank" title="Заголовок">текст ссылки</span> а не как обычная ссылка: <a href="http://mylink.com" target="_blank" title="Заголовок">текст ссылки</a>
Возможности PRO версии
HideLinks Pro позволяет:
- Автоматические скрывает все внешние ссылки в тексте записей и страниц
- Настройки подключения скрипта (в html коде или отдельным фалом)
А также
Hide Links | WordPress.org
Hides external links from indexing by search engines using a jQuery masking links script ( more about the method in )
- One click on editor button help to hide external links in search engine index
- Automatically disallows indexing of all commenter’s links.
- Simple shortcode [link][/link] easily hides any links in widgets or comments texts.
- In text editor place cursor on link
- Click on HideLinks button to add shortcode before and after link. Sample: [link]external link[/link]
After installing and activating plugin, hidden links look like ordinary ones. This moment can mislead and complicate work of plugin.
You can check whether plugin works correctly in two ways.
- On page, where there are hidden link or user comments, press keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+U — new tab with source code opens.
- Now press Ctrl+F on keyboard — field for text searching appears. Enter phrase in it data-link and press Enter on your keyboard.
- Browser found in source code all matches with necessary phrase (it is present in hidden link). In search box to the right of entered phrase, inscription with number of found matches appears (i.e. hidden links), and near — arrows for transition to previous and next found fragment.
- If in found fragment after phrase data-link goes link address you have hidden (or site address commentator) — it means that plugin hides link.
Sample: <span data-link="http://mylink.com" data-target="_blank" title="Title">anchor</span> not like this: <a href="http://mylink.com" target="_blank" title="Title">anchor</a>
PRO Features
HideLinks Pro allow:
- Automatically hide all external links in post content
- Control script including (inline or file)
HideLinks button in visual editor
From your WordPress dashboard
- Visit Plugins → Add new
- Search for Hide Links and click Install button on HideLinks plugin
- Activate HideLinks from your Plugins page.
- Visit Posts → Add new and find new button at visual editor
From WordPress.org
- Download and unzip hidelinks.zip
- Upload the hidelinks directory to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory, using your favorite method (ftp, sftp, scp, etc…)
- Activate HideLinks from your Plugins page.
- Visit Posts → Add new and find new button at visual editor
From your WordPress dashboard
- Visit Plugins → Add new
- Search for Hide Links and click Install button on HideLinks plugin
- Activate HideLinks from your Plugins page.
- Visit Posts → Add new and find new button at visual editor
From WordPress.org
- Download and unzip hidelinks.zip
- Upload the hidelinks directory to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory, using your favorite method (ftp, sftp, scp, etc…)
- Activate HideLinks from your Plugins page.
- Visit Posts → Add new and find new button at visual editor
There are script errors on site and because of them code link substitution doesn’t work.
In this case, you can try to disable all plugins except HideLinks and again check links – if on site page they have become clickable, then it means that error in scripts is caused by one of plugins. Try to activate plugins one by one, checking each time whether hidden link becomes ordinary text on page.
If there is still a problem after deactivating plugins, it means that error can be caused by scripts from theme. In this case, you will need help of professional. In order to make sure that problem is in script error – you can contact technical support specifying site address.
Зачем закрывать ссылки от индексации?Главная причина с
Hide Links | WordPress.org
Hides external links from indexing by search engines using a jQuery masking links script ( more about the method in )
- One click on editor button help to hide external links in search engine index
- Automatically disallows indexing of all commenter’s links.
- Simple shortcode [link][/link] easily hides any links in widgets or comments texts.
- In text editor place cursor on link
- Click on HideLinks button to add shortcode before and after link. Sample: [link]external link[/link]
After installing and activating plugin, hidden links look like ordinary ones. This moment can mislead and complicate work of plugin.
You can check whether plugin works correctly in two ways.
- On page, where there are hidden link or user comments, press keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+U — new tab with source code opens.
- Now press Ctrl+F on keyboard — field for text searching appears. Enter phrase in it data-link and press Enter on your keyboard.
- Browser found in source code all matches with necessary phrase (it is present in hidden link). In search box to the right of entered phrase, inscription with number of found matches appears (i.e. hidden links), and near — arrows for transition to previous and next found fragment.
- If in found fragment after phrase data-link goes link address you have hidden (or site address commentator) — it means that plugin hides link.
Sample: <span data-link="http://mylink.com" data-target="_blank" title="Title">anchor</span> not like this: <a href="http://mylink.com" target="_blank" title="Title">anchor</a>
PRO Features
HideLinks Pro allow:
- Automatically hide all external links in post content
- Control script including (inline or file)
HideLinks button in visual editor
From your WordPress dashboard
- Visit Plugins → Add new
- Search for Hide Links and click Install button on HideLinks plugin
- Activate HideLinks from your Plugins page.
- Visit Posts → Add new and find new button at visual editor
From WordPress.org
- Download and unzip hidelinks.zip
- Upload the hidelinks directory to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory, using your favorite method (ftp, sftp, scp, etc…)
- Activate HideLinks from your Plugins page.
- Visit Posts → Add new and find new button at visual editor
From your WordPress dashboard
- Visit Plugins → Add new
- Search for Hide Links and click Install button on HideLinks plugin
- Activate HideLinks from your Plugins page.
- Visit Posts → Add new and find new button at visual editor
From WordPress.org
- Download and unzip hidelinks.zip
- Upload the hidelinks directory to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory, using your favorite method (ftp, sftp, scp, etc…)
- Activate HideLinks from your Plugins page.
- Visit Posts → Add new and find new button at visual editor
There are script errors on site and because of them code link substitution doesn’t work.
In this case, you can try to disable all plugins except HideLinks and again check links – if on site page they have become clickable, then it means that error in scripts is caused by one of plugins. Try to activate plugins one by one, checking each time whether hidden link becomes ordinary text on page.
If there is still a problem after deactivating plugins, it means that error can be caused by scripts from theme. In this case, you will need help of professional. In order to make sure that problem is in script error – you can contact technical support specifying site address.
Главная причина сокрытия ссылочной массы с сайта – это утечка веса.
Почему бы просто не использовать `rel=”nofollow”` дsi.wordpress.org
Hide Links | WordPress.org
Hides external links from indexing by search engines using a jQuery masking links script ( more about the method in )
- One click on editor button help to hide external links in search engine index
- Automatically disallows indexing of all commenter’s links.
- Simple shortcode [link][/link] easily hides any links in widgets or comments texts.
- In text editor place cursor on link
- Click on HideLinks button to add shortcode before and after link. Sample: [link]external link[/link]
After installing and activating plugin, hidden links look like ordinary ones. This moment can mislead and complicate work of plugin.
You can check whether plugin works correctly in two ways.
- On page, where there are hidden link or user comments, press keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+U — new tab with source code opens.
- Now press Ctrl+F on keyboard — field for text searching appears. Enter phrase in it data-link and press Enter on your keyboard.
- Browser found in source code all matches with necessary phrase (it is present in hidden link). In search box to the right of entered phrase, inscription with number of found matches appears (i.e. hidden links), and near — arrows for transition to previous and next found fragment.
- If in found fragment after phrase data-link goes link address you have hidden (or site address commentator) — it means that plugin hides link.
Sample: <span data-link="http://mylink.com" data-target="_blank" title="Title">anchor</span> not like this: <a href="http://mylink.com" target="_blank" title="Title">anchor</a>
PRO Features
HideLinks Pro allow:
- Automatically hide all external links in post content
- Control script including (inline or file)
From your WordPress dashboard
- Visit Plugins → Add new
- Search for Hide Links and click Install button on HideLinks plugin
- Activate HideLinks from your Plugins page.
- Visit Posts → Add new and find new button at visual editor
From WordPress.org
- Download and unzip hidelinks.zip
- Upload the hidelinks directory to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory, using your favorite method (ftp, sftp, scp, etc…)
- Activate HideLinks from your Plugins page.
- Visit Posts → Add new and find new button at visual editor
From your WordPress dashboard
- Visit Plugins → Add new
- Search for Hide Links and click Install button on HideLinks plugin
- Activate HideLinks from your Plugins page.
- Visit Posts → Add new and find new button at visual editor
From WordPress.org
- Download and unzip hidelinks.zip
- Upload the hidelinks directory to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory, using your favorite method (ftp, sftp, scp, etc…)
- Activate HideLinks from your Plugins page.
- Visit Posts → Add new and find new button at visual editor
There are script errors on site and because of them code link substitution doesn’t work.
In this case, you can try to disable all plugins except HideLinks and again check links – if on site page they have become clickable, then it means that error in scripts is caused by one of plugins. Try to activate plugins one by one, checking each time whether hidden link becomes ordinary text on page.
If there is still a problem after deactivating plugins, it means that error can be caused by scripts from theme. In this case, you will need help of professional. In order to make sure that problem is in script error – you can contact technical support specifying site address.
Зачем закрывать ссылки от индексации?Главная причина сокрытия ссылочной массы с сайта – это утечка веса.
Почему бы просто не использовать `rel=”nofollow”` для Google и “ для Яндекс?Тег noindex (Яндекс) и атрибут nofollow (Google) не прячут ссылки от поисковиков, а только рекомендуют поисковым р
Hide Links | WordPress.org
Hides external links from indexing by search engines using a jQuery masking links script ( more about the method in )
- One click on editor button help to hide external links in search engine index
- Automatically disallows indexing of all commenter’s links.
- Simple shortcode [link][/link] easily hides any links in widgets or comments texts.
- In text editor place cursor on link
- Click on HideLinks button to add shortcode before and after link. Sample: [link]external link[/link]
After installing and activating plugin, hidden links look like ordinary ones. This moment can mislead and complicate work of plugin.
You can check whether plugin works correctly in two ways.
- On page, where there are hidden link or user comments, press keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+U — new tab with source code opens.
- Now press Ctrl+F on keyboard — field for text searching appears. Enter phrase in it data-link and press Enter on your keyboard.
- Browser found in source code all matches with necessary phrase (it is present in hidden link). In search box to the right of entered phrase, inscription with number of found matches appears (i.e. hidden links), and near — arrows for transition to previous and next found fragment.
- If in found fragment after phrase data-link goes link address you have hidden (or site address commentator) — it means that plugin hides link.
Sample: <span data-link="http://mylink.com" data-target="_blank" title="Title">anchor</span> not like this: <a href="http://mylink.com" target="_blank" title="Title">anchor</a>
PRO Features
HideLinks Pro allow:
- Automatically hide all external links in post content
- Control script including (inline or file)
HideLinks button in visual editor
From your WordPress dashboard
- Visit Plugins → Add new
- Search for Hide Links and click Install button on HideLinks plugin
- Activate HideLinks from your Plugins page.
- Visit Posts → Add new and find new button at visual editor
From WordPress.org
- Download and unzip hidelinks.zip
- Upload the hidelinks directory to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory, using your favorite method (ftp, sftp, scp, etc…)
- Activate HideLinks from your Plugins page.
- Visit Posts → Add new and find new button at visual editor
From your WordPress dashboard
- Visit Plugins → Add new
- Search for Hide Links and click Install button on HideLinks plugin
- Activate HideLinks from your Plugins page.
- Visit Posts → Add new and find new button at visual editor
From WordPress.org
- Download and unzip hidelinks.zip
- Upload the hidelinks directory to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory, using your favorite method (ftp, sftp, scp, etc…)
- Activate HideLinks from your Plugins page.
- Visit Posts → Add new and find new button at visual editor
There are script errors on site and because of them code link substitution doesn’t work.
In this case, you can try to disable all plugins except HideLinks and again check links – if on site page they have become clickable, then it means that error in scripts is caused by one of plugins. Try to activate plugins one by one, checking each time whether hidden link becomes ordinary text on page.
If there is still a problem after deactivating plugins, it means that error can be caused by scripts from theme. In this case, you will need help of professional. In order to make sure that problem is in script error – you can contact technical support specifying site address.
Зачем закрывать ссылки от индексации?Главная причина сокрытия ссылочной массы с сайта – это утечка веса.
Почему бы просто нca.wordpress.org
Hide Links | WordPress.org
Hides external links from indexing by search engines using a jQuery masking links script ( more about the method in )
- One click on editor button help to hide external links in search engine index
- Automatically disallows indexing of all commenter’s links.
- Simple shortcode [link][/link] easily hides any links in widgets or comments texts.
- In text editor place cursor on link
- Click on HideLinks button to add shortcode before and after link. Sample: [link]external link[/link]
After installing and activating plugin, hidden links look like ordinary ones. This moment can mislead and complicate work of plugin.
You can check whether plugin works correctly in two ways.
- On page, where there are hidden link or user comments, press keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+U — new tab with source code opens.
- Now press Ctrl+F on keyboard — field for text searching appears. Enter phrase in it data-link and press Enter on your keyboard.
- Browser found in source code all matches with necessary phrase (it is present in hidden link). In search box to the right of entered phrase, inscription with number of found matches appears (i.e. hidden links), and near — arrows for transition to previous and next found fragment.
- If in found fragment after phrase data-link goes link address you have hidden (or site address commentator) — it means that plugin hides link.
Sample: <span data-link="http://mylink.com" data-target="_blank" title="Title">anchor</span> not like this: <a href="http://mylink.com" target="_blank" title="Title">anchor</a>
PRO Features
HideLinks Pro allow:
- Automatically hide all external links in post content
- Control script including (inline or file)
HideLinks button in visual editor
From your WordPress dashboard
- Visit Plugins → Add new
- Search for Hide Links and click Install button on HideLinks plugin
- Activate HideLinks from your Plugins page.
- Visit Posts → Add new and find new button at visual editor
From WordPress.org
- Download and unzip hidelinks.zip
- Upload the hidelinks directory to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory, using your favorite method (ftp, sftp, scp, etc…)
- Activate HideLinks from your Plugins page.
- Visit Posts → Add new and find new button at visual editor
From your WordPress dashboard
- Visit Plugins → Add new
- Search for Hide Links and click Install button on HideLinks plugin
- Activate HideLinks from your Plugins page.
- Visit Posts → Add new and find new button at visual editor
From WordPress.org
- Download and unzip hidelinks.zip
- Upload the hidelinks directory to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory, using your favorite method (ftp, sftp, scp, etc…)
- Activate HideLinks from your Plugins page.
- Visit Posts → Add new and find new button at visual editor
There are script errors on site and because of them code link substitution doesn’t work.
In this case, you can try to disable all plugins except HideLinks and again check links – if on site page they have become clickable, then it means that error in scripts is caused by one of plugins. Try to activate plugins one by one, checking each time whether hidden link becomes ordinary text on page.
If there is still a problem after deactivating plugins, it means that error can be caused by scripts from theme. In this case, you will need help of professional. In order to make sure that problem is in script error – you can contact technical support specifying site address.
Зачем закрывать ссылки от индексации?Главная причина сокрытия ссылочной массы с сайта – это утечка веса.
Почему бы просто не использовать `rel=”nofollow”` для Google и “ для Яндекс?Тег noindex (Яндекс) и атри
Hide Links | WordPress.org
Hides external links from indexing by search engines using a jQuery masking links script ( more about the method in )
- One click on editor button help to hide external links in search engine index
- Automatically disallows indexing of all commenter’s links.
- Simple shortcode [link][/link] easily hides any links in widgets or comments texts.
- In text editor place cursor on link
- Click on HideLinks button to add shortcode before and after link. Sample: [link]external link[/link]
After installing and activating plugin, hidden links look like ordinary ones. This moment can mislead and complicate work of plugin.
You can check whether plugin works correctly in two ways.
- On page, where there are hidden link or user comments, press keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+U — new tab with source code opens.
- Now press Ctrl+F on keyboard — field for text searching appears. Enter phrase in it data-link and press Enter on your keyboard.
- Browser found in source code all matches with necessary phrase (it is present in hidden link). In search box to the right of entered phrase, inscription with number of found matches appears (i.e. hidden links), and near — arrows for transition to previous and next found fragment.
- If in found fragment after phrase data-link goes link address you have hidden (or site address commentator) — it means that plugin hides link.
Sample: <span data-link="http://mylink.com" data-target="_blank" title="Title">anchor</span> not like this: <a href="http://mylink.com" target="_blank" title="Title">anchor</a>
PRO Features
HideLinks Pro allow:
- Automatically hide all external links in post content
- Control script including (inline or file)
HideLinks button in visual editor
From your WordPress dashboard
- Visit Plugins → Add new
- Search for Hide Links and click Install button on HideLinks plugin
- Activate HideLinks from your Plugins page.
- Visit Posts → Add new and find new button at visual editor
From WordPress.org
- Download and unzip hidelinks.zip
- Upload the hidelinks directory to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory, using your favorite method (ftp, sftp, scp, etc…)
- Activate HideLinks from your Plugins page.
- Visit Posts → Add new and find new button at visual editor
From your WordPress dashboard
- Visit Plugins → Add new
- Search for Hide Links and click Install button on HideLinks plugin
- Activate HideLinks from your Plugins page.
- Visit Posts → Add new and find new button at visual editor
From WordPress.org
- Download and unzip hidelinks.zip
- Upload the hidelinks directory to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory, using your favorite method (ftp, sftp, scp, etc…)
- Activate HideLinks from your Plugins page.
- Visit Posts → Add new and find new button at visual editor
There are script errors on site and because of them code link substitution doesn’t work.
In this case, you can try to disable all plugins except HideLinks and again check links – if on site page they have become clickable, then it means that error in scripts is caused by one of plugins. Try to activate plugins one by one, checking each time whether hidden link becomes ordinary text on page.
If there is still a problem after deactivating plugins, it means that error can be caused by scripts from theme. In this case, you will need help of professional. In order to make sure that problem is in script error – you can contact technical support specifying site address.
Зачем закрывать ссылки от индексации?Главная причина сокрытия ссылочной массы с сайта – это утечка веса.
Почему бы просто не использовать `rel=”nofollow”` для Google и “ для Яндекс?ky.wordpress.org